Meditation evening class - a path of practise.
Wed, 16 Feb
|Te Whenua
A series of 6 evenings staring weekly from Wed 12th Jan

Time & Location
16 Feb 2022, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Te Whenua, 2277 Gibbston Highway, Gibbston 9371, New Zealand
About the event
If you are keen to begin or deepen a meditation practise, then you are most welcome to join us on 6 x Wednesday evenings starting 12th Jan, from 1900-2000. Please arrive 5-10 mins early so that we can start on time.
Each week we will sit in meditation for 30 minutes, followed by a talk and Q&A, and ending with a gratitude and/or loving kindness meditation practise to close. The meditations will be partially guided, and partially in silence. The intention is to give enough instruction that you can be confident to meditate at home without an app or a teacher always present.
The style of meditation we will focus on are the core practises in the Theravaden Buddhist tradition, the earliest recorded teachings of the historical Buddha. These practises have been passed from generation to generation over the last 2600 years, and have endured simply because they work. They include mindfulness (also sometimes referred to as 'vipassana' or 'insight meditation') as well as heart-awakening practises such as loving kindness and compassion.
The results of a regular meditation practise are immeasurable. Not only is there real potential to reduce anxiety and stress, but through continued practise and kind, open curiosity, we can recognise and re-orientate our troublesome mental habit pattens to bring greater ease, confidence, wisdom, joy and equanimity to our lives.
Investment: $20 per session, or $100 for the series of 6 if paid in advance.
This meditation series is led by Jenny Lomas, who has been practising Insight Meditation since 2006. She has sat on 30+ in-person retreats with teachers including Joseph Goldstein, Sharda Rogell, Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Jeremy Logan & Sister Vīrañani, including an intensive silent 3-month vipassana retreat in the US, and a 6-week retreat at Shwe Oo Min Monastery in Yangon, Burma.
Please 'rsvp' for further infornation and to book a spot.